01483 826367 8.30am - 5pm
or Email enquiries@thegpgp.co.uk anytime
The Guildford
Private General Practice
click to find us
At The Guildford and Chertsey Private General Practice, we always aim to provide you with the best possible healthcare and with that in mind we aim to always offer you an appointment on a day which is convenient to you. We work at two sites: Mount Alvernia Hospital in central Guildford, a short walk from the Guildford stations and Guildford High Street. The Runnymede Hospital, Chertsey at junction 11 of the M25. This enables us to have quick and easy access to investigations such as blood tests, ECGs and imaging including x-ray, ultrasound, CT and MRI scanners.
If there is a service you are looking for that is not listed below please email us at enquiries@thegpgp.co.uk or call us on 01483 826367 and we will endeavour to arrange it for you.
Depression & Anxiety
Alcohol Advice
Testicular problems
loss of libido​
erectile dysfunction
premature ejaculation
HIV testing
Blood Tests
Urine Analysis
CT & MRI Scanners
ECG and stress ECG
Non-NHS Blood Tests:
- Anti-Müllerian Hormone
Ear Irrigation £140
Vitamin D Injections £139
Cryotherapy for warts and other skin lesions £140
Wound Dressings
Chickenpox/ Varicella