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The Guildford
Private General Practice
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Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the uk, affecting women of all ages and occasionally men.
At Guildford Private General Practice we recommend that you are breast aware. Know what is normal for you and report any changes without delay. If, after your consultation, there are concerns about your examination, we are able to organise a fast-track appointment, often on the same day, with a specialist breast consultant. We can also arrange mammograms for asymptomatic women too young for the national screening programme but looking for reassurance.
A lump or thickening in an area of the breast
A change in size or shape of the breast
Dimpling of the skin
A change in the shape of your nipple
A blood stained discharge from the nipple
A rash on a nipple or surrounding area
A swelling or lump in your armpit
Asymptomatic women aged 40+ can be screened for breast cancer using a mammogram. This is a special x-ray of the breast. If any abnormalities are detected further tests, such as an ultrasound and biopsy, might need to be done. 1 in 25 women are called back after breast screening and of those 1 in 5 will have breast cancer
Price £288 - Includes Consultation with a doctor and Mammogram. Suitable for asymptomatic women aged 40+. If you have symptoms please book a routine appointment.