01483 826367 8.30am - 5pm
or Email enquiries@thegpgp.co.uk anytime
The Guildford
Private General Practice
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Period Problems & Pelvic Pain
Heavy Periods
Painful Periods
Irregular or Infrequent Periods
Pelvic Pain and Heavy Periods
Treatments to significantly lighten period flow
Investigate potential anaemia
We would encourage you to speak to us about the various highly effective methods to make your periods lighter and more manageable.Some women have periods so heavy it can make them anaemic. If you have heavy periods and often feel tired, dizzy or look pale it would be worth speaking to us about testing your blood to see if you are anaemic.
Painful Periods
Spending a few days each month with painful cramps can be inconvenient for some and agony for others. Periods so painful that they disrupt your daily life should be completely avoidable using the correct treatment. We have an interest in Women’s Health and can help you manage your problems.
Irregular or Infrequent Periods
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome assessment
Investigation of amenorrhoea (absent periods for more than 6 months)
For some women it is normal to have an irregular cycle although it may also indicate a problem called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). This syndrome can be diagnosed based on your symptoms and using an ultrasound and blood tests which we can arrange at a time to suit yourself.
If it has been more than a month since your last period it may be worth taking a pregnancy test. If it has been more than 6 months since your last period and you are not pregnant we would encourage you to see ourselves for further tests to make sure there isn’t a more serious cause, such as an early menopause, PCOS or hormone imbalances.
Pelvic Pain
Full pain assessment and discussion of management options.
Close links with a local Pelvic Pain specialist.
Pain in the lower part of your abdomen that is not directly related to your periods can be a challenging problem for both patients and many doctors to manage. At the Guildford Private General Practice we have the time for a complete assessment of your pain and the resources to arrange full investigations and refer to a pelvic pain specialist if required. We can also go through the non-surgical options available to you and manage your pain whilst it is being investigated so that you can get on with your life as it should be.