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The Guildford
Private General Practice
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Coil Fitting and Removal - Planning your fitting and after care
It is very important that the coil is fitted at the appropriate time in your menstrual cycle.
If you are using another reliable method of contraception - for example the combined or mini-pill (and you have definitely not missed any pills since your last period) or you are on the contraceptive injection or implant, then we can fit the coil at any time in your menstrual cycle
If you are having unprotected sex or are using either the condom or diaphragm (however well !) we can only fit a coil between day-1 and day-7 of your cycle (day-1 being the first day of bleeding). It can only be fitted later in the cycle if you have totally abstained from sex since the first day of the last period. This is necessary because we need to be certain that you are not in the early stages of pregnancy, nor that there are any sperm in your genital tract at the time that the device is fitted, which could later result in pregnancy.
If you are arranging to have a coil removed - even if you plan to have another coil refitted at the same time - this can be done at any time in your cycle but you must abstain from sex for 7 days before the removal. This is to ensure that, in the rare event that it is not possible to fit a replacement coil after the original one has been removed, that there are no sperm in your genital tract that might result in pregnancy
If you have recently had a baby, a coil can be fitted 10 weeks after the delivery. However as your womb is slightly softer and thinner after the delivery, there is a slightly higher risk of perforation of the womb. We may sometimes recommend waiting 2 more weeks to reduce this risk.
If you have a hormone coil fitted (IUS or mirena) later than day-7 of your cycle, you will need to use another method of contraception for 7 days after the fitting until the device becomes effective. If you have a copper coil fitted this is effective immediately for contraception.
If you have any queries or concerns please consult Dr Ballance
Coil fitting - about the day
We suggest you take a painkiller at least half an hour before your fitting appointment to reduce cramps afterwards. Suggested painkillers are ibuprofen or paracetamol.
Do not skip a meal before you come - it is best to have eaten.
Most women will feel fine after the fitting but a few women can feel a little faint afterwards. We suggest that you have someone you can contact by telephone in case you feel unwell (especially if you have felt faint with a medical procedure before) and suggest you do not plan strenuous activities afterwards.
In the event that you are one of the very few patients who experiences problems following a coil fit, we recommend that you do not schedule your appointment just before going on holiday.
We recommend that you use pads rather than tampons for the first period after a coil fitting.
We suggest you avoid swimming for one week after a coil is fitted.
Be prepared to allow 30-60 minutes for the coil fitting appointment.
We suggest a follow-up appointment with a doctor after 6 weeks.